Honda C100
Life Magazine, March 18th, 1966
Life Magazine, March 18th, 1966
Your own birth date may have already won you a Honda in Parker Pen’s Birthday Sweepstakes! For example, if your… more
Auto racer Sam Posey riding a honda-mini. Location: US Date taken: March 1969 Photographer: Bill Eppridge Size: 828 x 1280 pixels (11.5 x 17.8… more
experience Honda Small in size, big as they come in fun — that’s the new Honda Mini Trail 50. This… more
Good things happen on a Honda Smile! Get into the winning picture. With the Honda XR-75 K1. The new, compactsized… more
That’s the incredible Honda XL series. It’s an entire family of ingenious Honda on- and off-road motorcycles dedicated to your… more
A Honda CT-90 is dependable. And when you’re riding rugged mountain trails, miles from the nearest road, that’s the most… more
A dune buggy? Right. The three, big balloon tires give the new Honda All-Terrain Cycle fantastic traction even in the… more
A WORKHORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR. Time was, a horse used to be the most productive thing you could have… more
1 merk – 1 jaar – 1 miljoen Inderdaad. In één jaar produceert Honda meer dan een miljoen motor- en… more