Most bikes skip a beat when they go up in the high country. The altitude affects their performance. That doesn’t happen with the new Honda trail 90, thanks to an exclusive feature: the altitude-compensating carburetor. When you get above 6,000 feet, you just pull a knob and your bike is retuned for higher things. No wonder the Honda Trail 90 is the best selling trail bike in the world.
Another great feature: the Posi-Torque dual transmission. A flip of a lever is all that’s needed to change from street to trail gearing. The extra-quiet muffler has a USDA-approved spark arrestor. The powerplant is a reliable four-stroke OHC engine. The big brakes can be operated by hand or foot lever. And the clutch is automatic. Everything about this bike makes it easy to ride. The Trail 90 is also covered by a strong warranty. See it now at your local Honda dealer.
It’s not afraid of anything. The New Honda Trail 90
When riding your Honda, always ride safely. Wear your helmet and observe and obey sound rules of the road. For a brochure write: American Honda, Dept. VB, Box 50, Gardena, Calif. 90247.
Source: Field and Stream
Date: August, 1969