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Honda Newspaper Advert (Japanese)
Source: Cub Ki-Mono Touched up by: Date: Late 50’s or early 60’s
Website has been moved to a new hosting provider!
As anounced this morning, this website basically ran out of space and is now hosted at a new hosting provider.… more
Happy New Year!
To all the visitors and contributors I wish you a happy and prosperous new year! Thank you for your visits… more
New round of postings coming up!
Every day in november has been assigned with a picture of a Honda and also slowly heading into December. Have… more
Happy new year!
~We wish you a happy new year and many happy miles on your Honda!~ Also in the new year we… more
Honda C100 Super Cub (1961)
GO PLACES ON A HONDA SUPER CUB 225 MILES PER GALLON! Only $245 p.o.e. plus $10 east of Miss. River.… more
Honda ATC185 (1980)
It’d outperform anything in its class. If there were anything in its class. This is the most powerful ATC Honda… more
Honda CT90
Handsomely. The Honda trail 90 now has even more features to please an outdoorsman. new telescopic front suspension, for a… more
Honda VF500F2 (1984)
A QUART INTO A PINT POT. With the all-new VF500F2 we’ve managed what only a few years ago would’ve been… more
Honda CB750SS (1978)
This won’t hang around. The Honda 750SS. Specially customized with full racing fa iring, racing bars and rear sets. With… more
Honda CB250N (1978)
“Of course, I bought it for its three valve-per-cylinder, short stroke engine with counter-balanced crankshaft.” You’ll have your own reasons… more
Honda CB500F (1973)
New Honda 500 FOUR
Honda CB160 (1965)
If you’re thinking of buying a new motorcycle, make sure you get a new one. Like the surprising new Honda… more
Honda CB450 Black Bomber
It’s the biggest,beefiest touring twin from Japan! Sit astride this black beauty. It’s the greatest you’ve ever known. Revs or… more
Honda C102 (1963)
There‘s never been anythin like the new range of 50 cc Hondas. Here’s instant starting, arrowswift acceleration, powerful climbing, in machines… more
Honda C100 (1966)
50.000 units per month! [new factory… something something]
Honda C50 (1970)
I saw her comin’from work. She was tall… all body and smiles. Well, I reckoned I’d chat her up! So… more
Honda SS125 (1969)
GUTS! the NEW HONDA ss125 twin has it! Vroom-m-m It’s the latest Honda power pack to make the scene –… more
Honda C50 (1968)
EXCITEMENT!!! 4-stroke engine with Overhead Camshaft and chain drive. The New Honda 50 Super Cub has everything! Automatic clutch, one-piece… more
Honda S65 (1965)
Hot new one from Honda – The sport 65 Hot new performer from the world’s biggest seller – the Honda… more
Honda CB100N (1978)
Does the thought of insuring a sports bike stop you from buying one? It needn’t. Because Honda’s new CB100N sports… more
Honda MBX75
HONDA HURRICANE La nueva era en el mercado de las motos de 75 c.c. A partir de ahora hay que… more
Honda C70 Passport
Introducing The Honda passport. It fits in your life as easily as it fits in your budget. Honda’s remarkable new… more
Honda C200
Some tootin’ She likes to blow her own horn. And she’s got the displacement for it too: 90cc, compression ratio… more
Honda CB160
Honda “160”, Model CB-160, 160 cc. Little brother of the famous Honda Hawk and Super Hawk, the new CB-160 combines… more
Honda CB450
43 BHP FROM 444cc The new Honda CB450. Here;s the hot new addition to the line. A heavy-weight featuring the… more
Honda CA100T
CITY STREET, OPEN ROAD OR mountain TRAIL HONDA’S FABULOUS “50” THE new LOOK IN LOW-COST, HIGH-fun PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION! No other motor vehicles-two-wheeled… more
new deluxe type step-thru suits any rider Every member of the family will find this newly improved deluxe model step-thru motorbike safe, easy… more
Honda 50
WORLD’S MOST popular model Used by the Nicest People – Honda 50 This is the most popular machine in the… more
Honda CT110
(not sure about this model) Motorcycles and much, much more. When a father and son take a weekend and go riding in… more
Honda Trail 90
Pack mule. Shopping cart. Trailblazer. The CT-90 K6. The world’s largest selling trail bike is a mighty practical in-town runabout. too. The… more
Honda Trail 90
Be the first in your forest to get one. Goal: get to those better hunting and fishing spots. Perfect vehicle: the new Honda… more
Honda Trail 90
Honda makes it easy. With the new Honda Trail 90. It’s right at home when the going gets rough. Large knobby tires.… more
Trying to pick up the pace again
I am going through my library again and posting new stuff this month!
Honda CT90
Go where the roads don’t. The Honda trail 90 is built to get you to better hunting and fishing spots.… more
Honda CT125, CT90 and CT70
Honda CT-125, CT-90, CT-70. trail masters. mountain climbers. back packers. This trio of rough-and-ready Honda trail bikes will keep you… more
Honda CT90
Ride the original recreational vehicle. For getting into – and out of – the back country, there’s never been a… more
Honda CT90
Most bikes skip a beat when they go up in the high country. The altitude affects their performance. That doesn’t… more
Honda CT90
Honda answers the call of the wild. Handsomely. The Honda trail 90 now has even more features to please an… more
Honda CT70 and CT70H
How to get around after you get away. Take the Honda trail 70’s to the country. Just fold down the… more
Honda ST90
Our new trail bike gives you a little extra: A street bike. This symbol stands for one of the five… more
Honda QA50, Z50 and CT70
THE INCREDIBLE GIANT CHRISTMAS stocking… and how to fill it. A Christmas stocking big enough to hold a small motorcycle?… more
Honda CD50
commuting bike With sleek Styling Styling is sleek. Riding is easy and comfortable. Running cost is low. Power is plentiful.… more
Honda Z50A
experience Honda Small in size, big as they come in fun — that’s the new Honda Mini Trail 50. This… more
Honda CT90, XL70 and XL250
The new American Motorcycle gang. All across America you see more of them. Small groups of people riding motorcycles. Usually… more
Honda XL70 and XL100
The XL-70 and XL-100. Country cousins. Head for the back country. And take along either of two great on /… more
Honda ATC70, Z50A and ST90
experience Honda These symbols stand for two of the five kinds of Honda riding. They speak of the wind, clean… more
Honda XR75
Good things happen on a Honda Smile! Get into the winning picture. With the Honda XR-75 K1. The new, compactsized… more