Introduction of Honda C100 and American Honda Motor (1959)
The introduction of American Honda Motor co., inc. in 1959 Source
The introduction of American Honda Motor co., inc. in 1959 Source
Modelled on the Honda 50 CA100. This ad was taken from a late 60’s Sears catalogue. It’s a HONDA $19.99… more
GO PLACES ON A HONDA SUPER CUB 225 MILES PER GALLON! Only $245 p.o.e. plus $10 east of Miss. River.… more
MOTOREN uit voorraad te leveren Matchless Twin 650 cc. 3795.— Norton Twin 500 cc. 3995.— Honda Twin 250 cc. 2395.—… more
Je ziet de leukste mensen op een Honda – Nu al voor fl. 448,- Little Honda, viertakt, Volautomatisch! Gewone benzine,… more
We’re not going to tell you how good the VT500E is. Take their word for it.
Take a ride on the wild side.
The RC30. It’s come a long way.
If you can’t join them, beat them.
When being the fastest is important, ours are.
showroom Showdown – Going strong in the showroom!
A QUART INTO A PINT POT. With the all-new VF500F2 we’ve managed what only a few years ago would’ve been… more
This won’t hang around. The Honda 750SS. Specially customized with full racing fa iring, racing bars and rear sets. With… more
“Of course, I bought it for its three valve-per-cylinder, short stroke engine with counter-balanced crankshaft.” You’ll have your own reasons… more
The bike above is an assault course for oils. It has a turbo charger that spins at 200,000 r.p.m. and… more
New Honda 500 FOUR
If you’re thinking of buying a new motorcycle, make sure you get a new one. Like the surprising new Honda… more
It’s the biggest,beefiest touring twin from Japan! Sit astride this black beauty. It’s the greatest you’ve ever known. Revs or… more
There‘s never been anythin like the new range of 50 cc Hondas. Here’s instant starting, arrowswift acceleration, powerful climbing, in machines… more
De gloednieuwe HONDA C-320 sportbrommer Alles is sensationeel aan deze nieuwe Honda 50 C320 sportbrommer! Het frame is T-vormig, robuust… more
Honda 125/150/250/300 Buy the best! Honda is the world’s leading motorcycle manufacturer, producing 100,000 machines every month in its ultra-modern… more
Wegens spoed vertrek Een “Honda” motorfiets 90 c.c. Voor slechts f 275.- Voor inlichtingen: Watermolenstr. no. 17 Tel. 3180 Source:… more
The best that I can come up with is that it is for polish (and wax) to take good care… more
…able motorcycle built. A fully automatic clutch and dual-range four-speed trans that make is a cinch to ride. A USDA-approved… more
Honda cuts the costs of loving Fall in love with the Honda C50 Super Cub … a real looker that’s… more
HONDA het meest complete motorrijwiel 250 cc. Twin f 2395.- 305 cc. Twin f 2545.- HONDA het populairste motorrijwiel uit… more
HONDA Het japanse motorrijwiel!! DE GROTE SENSATIE voor de T.T. te Assen! Henk Borkhuis Aan het Zuiderdiep te groningen Source:… more
Met de HONDA 50 C-310 doet een vrouw meer inééns! Een Honda-bromfiets zorgt dat u tijd krijgt om een heleboel… more
LOOKING good IS ONE THING BEING SMART IS SOMETHING ELSE If profiling’s your style. looking good is easy, after all,… more
Does the thought of insuring a sports bike stop you from buying one? It needn’t. Because Honda’s new CB100N sports… more
ESCAPE. On Honda’s 400 Four. The classic freedom machine. There’s ample reserves of jet-smooth cruising power, more than enough to… more
Who will win the CC vs RPM war? There are men who still believe that the more cc’s they’ve got… more
HONDA HURRICANE La nueva era en el mercado de las motos de 75 c.c. A partir de ahora hay que… more
EN EL CAMPO O LA CUIDAD… HACE camino AL ANDAR – Honda Econo Power – Motor de 4 tiempos, “La… more
Santa’s Helper She’s smooth, svelte, yet kind of comfy. Twist her throttle and she responds to the utmost of her… more
Some tootin’ She likes to blow her own horn. And she’s got the displacement for it too: 90cc, compression ratio… more
Honda Sport 50, C-110 (50 cc). Flashy first cousin of the basic Honda 50, but with more rugged styling. For… more
The rougher the better the Honda 90 Trail motorcycle likes it. This powerful 6 hp machine is designed for off… more
DE EERSTE HONDA DREAMS waren reeds direct verkocht, maar ………… wij hebben weer nieuwe voorraad. Kom dit wel zeer exclusief… more
CITY STREET, OPEN ROAD OR mountain TRAIL HONDA’S FABULOUS “50” THE new LOOK IN LOW-COST, HIGH-fun PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION! No other motor vehicles-two-wheeled… more
HONDA TS50 – SPORTIEF RIJDEN, ELEGANT RIJDEN, VEILIG RIJDEN Vraag : bestaat er een bromfiets die sportief is, voldoende pit heeft, tegelijkertijd… more
Honda C320 Honda de grootste producent van motor en bromfietsen ter wereld (1.390.000 eenheden in 1964) is er trots o p… more
BROM ZORGENVRIJ MET DE NIEUWE PITTIGE “S” BROMFIETS! Onopvallend deze nieuwe Honda … Ja, uiterlijk is ie volkomen gelijk aan zijn iets tammere… more
Jongste telg in de gamma van de Honda bromfietsen : de kleine AMIGO ! Een prachtkerel die het iedereen gemakkelijk maakt, het rijgenot… more
Also known as the CX500 Custom. There should be a full-width mirror at every Honda dealer. Because if you saw… more
needs confirmation Could it be any other way? A honda takes so easily to formal affairs. The perfection, the sophisticated… more
needs confirmation You meet the nicest people on a Honda How about practicing a little step-upmanship? In this case, a… more
Honda About $215 The price is only half the story. Let’s face it. Honda is a way out front in… more
Some people have all the fun You can easily see why. A Honda fits right in with suburban life. Parks… more
new deluxe type step-thru suits any rider Every member of the family will find this newly improved deluxe model step-thru motorbike safe, easy… more