Honda VT500E (1983)
If you can’t join them, beat them.
If you can’t join them, beat them.
100 mpg and air conditioning.
When being the fastest is important, ours are.
showroom Showdown – Going strong in the showroom!
Hey everyone. I’m having a huge backlog in ads to process and transcribing ads takes a lot of time. So… more
Ne vous laissez pas bluffer par la marque.
A QUART INTO A PINT POT. With the all-new VF500F2 we’ve managed what only a few years ago would’ve been… more
This won’t hang around. The Honda 750SS. Specially customized with full racing fa iring, racing bars and rear sets. With… more
“Of course, I bought it for its three valve-per-cylinder, short stroke engine with counter-balanced crankshaft.” You’ll have your own reasons… more
The bike above is an assault course for oils. It has a turbo charger that spins at 200,000 r.p.m. and… more
New Honda 500 FOUR
If you’re thinking of buying a new motorcycle, make sure you get a new one. Like the surprising new Honda… more
It’s the biggest,beefiest touring twin from Japan! Sit astride this black beauty. It’s the greatest you’ve ever known. Revs or… more
There‘s never been anythin like the new range of 50 cc Hondas. Here’s instant starting, arrowswift acceleration, powerful climbing, in machines… more
De gloednieuwe HONDA C-320 sportbrommer Alles is sensationeel aan deze nieuwe Honda 50 C320 sportbrommer! Het frame is T-vormig, robuust… more
Pretty foxy Neat little number the Honda 90. She offers the economics of a lightweight plus plenty of pep and… more
LUCKY dog The Honda’s a doll. Push the button and you’re in business with neder a complaint from her willing… more
Honda 50 – 55 – 90 I currently cannot reliably identify the blue Honda (90?)
Honda 125/150/250/300 Buy the best! Honda is the world’s leading motorcycle manufacturer, producing 100,000 machines every month in its ultra-modern… more
Source: Friese Koerier, April 15 1965, Page 22
Source: Friese Koerier, April 1 1965, Page 18
Iedere koper van een Nieuwe sublieme Honda PC50 of Honda PS50 bromfiets krijgt bij inlevering van zijn of haar oude… more
Wegens spoed vertrek Een “Honda” motorfiets 90 c.c. Voor slechts f 275.- Voor inlichtingen: Watermolenstr. no. 17 Tel. 3180 Source:… more
50.000 units per month! [new factory… something something]
The best that I can come up with is that it is for polish (and wax) to take good care… more